A warm welcome to our World Communion of Convergence ...
Welcome to the World Communion of Christian Celtic Convergence Churches (WCCC, for short).
We are a World wide ministry with a heart for Convergence (non-Denominational embracing all true Christians) of the wider Church body. We are also a Communion for the lost, the poor and the disenfranchised, with a desire to bring the Church into loving harmony and to work for the Kingdom of God on Earth.
We are essentially Celtic, which is the Old Catholic Faith / Anglican Roots (historically Catholic meaning Universal Church) united with the modern Charismatic / Pentecostal movement of the Holy Spirit embracing all authentic streams of Gospel and Bible believing Christianity.
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We are open to accept those who have failed previously in church leadership, the burnt out or wounded casualties and those who are simply just looking for a new spiritual home. You may be invited into our Christian Communion regardless of your history, status and damage; we will endeavor to build a relationship with you, in whatever way is possible to help and support your desire to serve God.
As a Communion, Church, Community, Mission, Religious Order, or as a Deacon, Priest or Bishop. Also as a Pastor, Apostle, Evangelist, Teacher, Prophet, modern Monk or Nun, etc, you may work with us in one of several ways. Click on our 'Relationship Styles' page above.
The World Communion of Christian Celtic Convergence Churches is a Registered Company in England, registered at Companies House as:-
A 'Not For Profit' - Limited Company - No. 07563261.
NOTE: We will also accept established Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. We will ordain (incardinate) Priests and Deacons from other church denominations in Apostolic Succession, without re-ordination if carrying valid certification as a Deacon or a Priest, on the basis that you are what you say you are and you show integrity of heart.
VALIDATIONS: Where relevant, once we have an successful application, taken up references, seen certificates and had discussions, to enable us to understand and share your vision in ministry, together we will then be prepared to pray, offer to train you further and to equip you for future ministry in our new Clergy Bible College here in the UK. Send us your Desire and your Vision for the future of your ministry with WCCC. We may work to see this come to pass, if in God's will.
Become part of this unique new CONVERGENCE MINISTRY, Why Wait?
Question... Are we seeking to be the 'one world church order' NO!
CONVERGENCE - How does it work? We are simply a Communion to seek unconditional positive regard for one another, offer training, acceptance, validation and for some - Apostolic Succession, to commission and send out Christians to serve the World in the Universal (Catholic) true Church of God.
MINISTER OR PRIEST: There is a need to decide if you wish to be a simple 'Minister of The Gospel', and stay independent of the mainline Church, or if you wish to become an Ordained Deacon or Priest, or even a Bishop when you have several church parishes under your care. The two church leaders mentioned here are very different and yet they are aligned in many ways, let us work with you to see the way forward with the Apostolic Church of God.
ORDINATIONS: Church Ordination/Consecration: You simply need to convince us that you are called by God to enter the one true Church of God, the Catholic (Universal) Faith and Apostolic ministry, if you are not already a serving minister in a leadership vocation within the church or evangelism.
THE TEST: A personal test for you - You cannot be a leader if nobody is following you! So will other friends/family vouch for your ministry gifting? If you are unable to gain a letter of commendation from your existing church pastor/leader, don't worry, just contact us anyway, and let us work together to find God's plan for your future ministry. You may need more training or perhaps spiritual mentoring, to encourage you to find your gifts and your sense of 'calling' before God.
MINISTRY EXPERIENCE: If you so desire you may also work and gain valuable experience with the STREET MINISTERS Project, which may be adapted to work in other places, or learn to lead an Agape Community house group, which may mean some extra study or training, maybe not. If so, after completing a short time of basic training, you will begin to study and explore various forms of ministry and mercy missions and establish your own personal spiritual vocation.
BISHOPS: Bishops are also Priests first and foremost, ordained before consecration ever takes place. They are usually just more experienced and serve to help the younger priests find their way in their calling and possibly train and encourage and release gifts by nurturing the flock to serve. Where the Bishop is, there the Eucharist is and therefore the Church is also!
MOVEMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The World Communion of Christian Convergence Churches (WCCC), is a new movement of the Holy Spirit. It was born out of the journey of three protestant Pastors, with Agape Community international and then subsequently through the STREET MINISTERS Project.
Agape was originally started by three burnt out and broken pastors, who were seeking a form of personal revival, also searching for the reality of the meaning of 'true church', within church structure, rediscovering the early church fathers, exploring personal relationships, with God and community, both inside the church walls and also with the world outside. For some in Agape there was a return to the Faith delivered unto the Apostles and that was the Old Catholic Faith, prior to Papal Infallibility.
There is a need for the church to be relevant, in the same way that we feel Jesus was and is relevant to the common people.
The WCCC Communion, is open for membership to all true followers of Christ - It is for CHRISTIANS and includes everyone who can be seriously called a follower of the way of Christ. It is open to all true Gospel Churches. It is a convergence ministry which is open to both the Protestant and Roman Catholic faith, and embraces all Christian streams equally. There are several ways to dialogue with us - See the Relationship styles page on this web site.
We believe there is a wider ministry of CONVERGENCE, it is an Ecumenical opportunity towards working with one another and learning where we can integrate once more and touch one another in a quest to bring reconciliation between the various denominations.
It is 'Catholic' Christianity in the true sense of the word, meaning 'Universal' Church, by comparison to 'Roman' Catholic. We believe God is calling us all back to one church, not one that is divided by denominations. We are CONVERGENCE ministers, not separatists. This is our prayer; that we would be one, just as the Trinity, in the Godhead, are one.
We are fundamentally Old Catholic or Anglo-Catholic in essence and agree the leading from the Bishop's Synod, but cannot accept one Pope, Vicar of Christ, as infallible and therefore above the scriptures and therefor head over all churches.
There is a desire to see a new and 2nd Reformation of the Church, with regards to 'Church structure' and with the new focus on loving one another and therefore bringing the church back to a 'one-ness'
The 1st Reformation was about issues of 'doctrine' and papal supremacy; where England split off due to Henry's divorce). The new reformation is to do more with the attitudes to one another, bringing people back together through Convergence.
There is surely a need to realise and to understand, once again, to look at the real issues afresh, that have divided us all in the past, to accept where the faults are, to see what is at stake and where with some of us there is a need for repentance. To work for a united church structure, biblical government and community.
Christians surely ought to unite in today's world with all that we face, we may face it better togther in love and acceptance of one another so the World will know we are disciples of Jesus Christ.
We see a work of the Holy Spirit forming new communities all the time.. Yes, it is hard when we are always looking for problems with one another and we must start somewhere to be peace makers and better witnesses to the World at large.
Our desire is to see integration of Christian communities and the love of God demonstrated throughout Christendom World wide.
We loosely uphold the tenants of Lambeth Quadrilateral on convergence as a main ministry of the church to harmonise the Kingdom and bring revival to one and all.
See the 'Relationship Style' page to see how we may relate more to each other in ministry. May God bless your endeavour to serve Him.
Convergence Movement - Angl.catholic.pentecostal@groups.facebook.com
- Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/WCCCCC/