UK & Europe
Province of Europe, Archdiocese of the Midlands, England.
Presiding Metropolitan Archbishop Most Reverend Dr George & Pastor Yoly Booty.
Picture 03-14-2014 taken in the Church they were married in the next day.
Rev Yoly Booty.
Diocese of Buckinghamshire, England
The Street Ministers International Coordinator
ST Georges Training Church Central Miltonm Keynes. England.
Deaconess Elaine Maries Co-ordinator in St.George's Parish Church in Milton Keynes
Diocese of Buckingham
Team minister in the Parish of The Fathers House of St Michaels, in Milton Keynes, UK
Independent Anglican Church, Milton Keynes.
A Traditional English Anglo-Catholic Training & Healing Church
Clergy Team & Rev Fr Joseph Ab
raham, also New Rector of St Georges and ANCC Established in Central Milton Keynes. Services held every Sunday at 9.45am
***********************************************************************************************************The Order of St George (OSG)
A Benedictine styled Religious Order, based in UK
Contact: Brother Mark Rhodes and Brother Jayme Collins*******************************************************************************************************
Agape Community International
Pastor Yoly Booty - Community Servant.
Originally Established locally in the village of Whaddon, Buckinghamshire.
********************************************************************************************************Anglo-French Kyrie Fellowship - Europe
Fr Rich+ giving Eucharist -
Kyrie Fellowship Based in France but stretching to Canada and USA.
Councillor - Rev Deacon Ashley John.
Church Planting in Barking Essex, England.
Canon Rev Dr Fr Philip+ & Wife Deaconess Karen
Plymouth Ministry England, UK.
Church of St Martin of Tours - Barcelona, Spain - Fr Ignasi Bosch+
Old Catholic Church of Turkey
Acting Curate: Reverend Guven Dilson - Minister of the Gospel - Priest Elect.
Archdiocese of Christ the Healer -
Missionary Priest - Rev Fr Lee Stewart+ - Kettering, Northants.
Old Catholic Church of Turkey
Acting Curate: Reverend Guven Dilson - Minister of the Gospel - Priest Elect.
Archdiocese of Christ the Healer -
In the Midlands, England, UK.
Provincial Most Reverend Dr ++George Booty, Archbishop based in Milton Keynes,
Midlands, England. UK.
Midlands, England. UK.
Missionary Priest - Rev Fr Lee Stewart+ - Kettering, Northants.
Agape Community Christian Community in Kettering
Presbyterian Church International UK - part of the WCCC
Father Precious Obutou - Pastor.
Rev Fr Simon - Ghanaan Church in Bucks..
Prayer International - Ministry - Fr Bryn+